Mass Spectrometry-based Proteomics, Uppsala

Regional Facility of National Interest 2013–2016.

Primary: Shown in the list of current labels.

Year 2017

Year 2016

The H3 chaperone function of NASP is conserved in Arabidopsis.
Maksimov V, Nakamura M, Wildhaber T, ..., Bergquist J, Hennig L
Plant J. 88 (3) 425-436 [2016-11-00; online 2016-09-15]
Mass Spectrometry-based Proteomics, Uppsala [Collaborative]
Effects of Fluoxetine on Human Embryo Development.
Kaihola H, Yaldir FG, Hreinsson J, ..., Åkerud H, Sundström-Poromaa I
Front Cell Neurosci 10 (-) 160 [2016-06-16; online 2016-06-16]
Mass Spectrometry-based Proteomics, Uppsala [Collaborative]

Year 2015

Year 2014

Year 2013

Hydrogenosomes in the diplomonad Spironucleus salmonicida.
Jerlström-Hultqvist J, Einarsson E, Xu F, ..., Andersson JO, Svärd SG
Nat Commun 4 (-) 2493 [2013-09-18; online 2013-09-18]
Mass Spectrometry-based Proteomics, Uppsala

Year 2011

Publications 9.5.0