Swedish Metabolomics Centre (SMC)

SciLifeLab Infrastructure Unit Since 2016.

Primary: Shown in the list of current labels.

Year 2023

Impact of xylan on field productivity and wood saccharification properties in aspen.
Derba-Maceluch M, Sivan P, Donev EN, ..., Jönsson LJ, Mellerowicz EJ
Front Plant Sci 14 (-) 1218302 [2023-07-17; online 2023-07-17]
Swedish Metabolomics Centre (SMC) [Service]
Role of myeloid cells in system-level immunometabolic dysregulation during prolonged successful HIV-1 treatment.
Svensson Akusjärvi S, Krishnan S, Ambikan AT, ..., Sönnerborg A, Neogi U
AIDS 37 (7) 1023-1033 [2023-06-01; online 2023-03-21]
Swedish Metabolomics Centre (SMC) [Service]

Year 2022

IPT9, a cis-zeatin cytokinin biosynthesis gene, promotes root growth.
Antoniadi I, Mateo-Bonmatí E, Pernisová M, ..., Ljung K, Novák O
Front Plant Sci 13 (-) 932008 [2022-10-14; online 2022-10-14]
Swedish Metabolomics Centre (SMC) [Service]
Auxin boosts energy generation pathways to fuel pollen maturation in barley.
Amanda D, Frey FP, Neumann U, ..., Ljung K, Acosta IF
Curr. Biol. 32 (8) 1798-1811.e8 [2022-04-25; online 2022-03-21]
Swedish Metabolomics Centre (SMC) [Service]

Year 2021

Year 2020

Serum Metabolites in Hand-Arm Vibration Exposed Workers.
Vihlborg P, Graff P, Hagenbjörk A, ..., Bryngelsson IL, Eriksson K
J Occup Environ Med 62 (7) 460-465 [2020-07-00; online 2020-07-31]
Swedish Metabolomics Centre (SMC) [Service]

Year 2019

Year 2018

Broad spectrum developmental role of Brachypodium AUX1.
van der Schuren A, Voiniciuc C, Bragg J, ..., Pauly M, Hardtke CS
New Phytol. 219 (4) 1216-1223 [2018-09-00; online 2018-06-27]
Swedish Metabolomics Centre (SMC) [Service]

Year 2017

Regulating plant physiology with organic electronics
Poxson DJ, Karady M, Gabrielsson R, ..., Simon DT, Berggren M
Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 114 (18) 4597-4602 [2017-05-02; online 2017-04-18]
Swedish Metabolomics Centre (SMC) [Service]

Year 2016

Estrogen Receptor α Promotes Breast Cancer by Reprogramming Choline Metabolism.
Jia M, Andreassen T, Jensen L, ..., Moestue SA, Dahlman-Wright K
Cancer Res. 76 (19) 5634-5646 [2016-10-01; online 2016-07-28]
Swedish Metabolomics Centre (SMC) [Service]
Direct acquisition of organic N by white clover even in the presence of inorganic N
Czaban W, Jämtgård S, Näsholm T, ..., Nicolaisen M, Fomsgaard IS
Plant Soil 407 (1-2) 91-107 [2016-10-00; online 2016-04-15]
Swedish Metabolomics Centre (SMC) [Service]
The Effects of High Steady State Auxin Levels on Root Cell Elongation in Brachypodium.
Pacheco-Villalobos D, Díaz-Moreno SM, van der Schuren A, ..., Bulone V, Hardtke CS
Plant Cell - (-) - [2016-05-05; online 2016-05-05]
Swedish Metabolomics Centre (SMC) [Service]
TOR Signaling and Nutrient Sensing.
Dobrenel T, Caldana C, Hanson J, ..., Veit B, Meyer C
Annu Rev Plant Biol 67 (-) 261-285 [2016-04-29; online 2016-02-26]
Swedish Metabolomics Centre (SMC) [Service]
Tissue sample stability: thawing effect on multi-organ samples
Torell F, Bennett K, Cereghini S, ..., Trygg J, Lundstedt T
Metabolomics 12 (2) - [2016-02-00; online 2015-12-31]
Swedish Metabolomics Centre (SMC) [Service]
Metabolites in Blood for Prediction of Bacteremic Sepsis in the Emergency Room.
Kauppi AM, Edin A, Ziegler I, ..., Strålin K, Johansson A
PLoS ONE 11 (1) e0147670 [2016-01-22; online 2016-01-22]
Swedish Metabolomics Centre (SMC) [Service]

Publications 9.5.0